On the basis of the Company’s long-term experience and building qualifications we build new industrial buildings and update existing ones on the General-Contracting basis. Our investments are carried out... in their full scope, until the final stage, which is obtaining an approval for the exploitation of the building. Our course of actions is guided by high standard of works, using proper technology, installations and materials.
learn moreOur Company offers comprehensive project realization in terms of performance, including all constructing and installation works up to the turnkey stage. We have our own machinery and technological potential, ... allowing efficient and multi-disciplinary implementation of each project as a General Contractor and as a subcontractor.
learn moreWe carry out repairs and restoration of heritage sites of varying difficulty, under the supervision of the historic buildings conservator. In such type of works we use modern construction technologies, as well as similar technique to those originally used, according to precise guidelines of the conservator. ... Amnong our works particularly important and complex we can mention National Museum in Warsaw, The Nieborów Palace and Park, and also Muzeum Warszawskiej Pragi (Museum of Praga).
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